Welcome to the Priti Pretty Projects! As always, we start of the new year with resolutions that rarely get resolved. So this year, I decided to set three goals and hold myself accountable for those three specific tasks. For some strange reason, the term "resolutions" doesn't seem to hold the same weight as the word "goals"...even though, in my opinion, they are synonymous. At any rate, one of my goals is to become a paper crafting consultant...and so I did! (
Deets to come later.) My second goal is to become a writer/blogger in order to fulfill my love of writing...so I did! Yay me! However, my writing goal is still under construction because I want to become a freelance writer for some craft or educational magazine. Lastly, I dream of starting a craft related business that is independent of my consulting venture. While I am proud of myself for setting things in motion, I must continue to keep the wheel turning so that my goals don't become like most resolutions that I've set in the past...just dreams that are never realized.
In order to document my progress, I created a Priti Pretty Project called,
"Smash the Past." Basically, it's a smash book where I house important keepsakes that show progress towards my three goals set for 2013. I'm "smashing the past" by refusing to allow my ideas to become unrealized dreams. Each picture, thought, receipt or piece of nostalgia will become evidence of my movement towards completion. Although it sounds simple enough, if it were, then there would be no need for this smash book.
So, as you set goals for 2013, remember you hold the power to determine the realization of your dreams. Establish some form of accountability and measurability. Without it, your desires are not tangible and will become lost in the mix of day-to-day haps! One of the best books I ever read was,
Write it Down, Make it Happen: Knowing What You Want and Getting It by Henriette Ann Klauser. The content within this book helped me become a person of accountability and allowed me to achieve many dreams. I live by this book, and now I create Priti Pretty Projects because of this book. Give it a try....Write it down...make it happen...and SMASH the past!
Peace and Blessings from the Projects!
Homemade Smash Book |
Charting the Journey |
Goal Accomplished! |